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Congratulations, Kirill!
Thesis Title: On heating rates in cryogenic surface ion traps

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In Innsbruck he is joining the AQTION project where he hopes to deploy his expertise to deliver Europe's first compact trapped-ion quantum computer demonstrator.

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In Innsbruck, Tuomas will join the 2D crystals project with the goal of trapping, cooling, and performing experiments on two-dimensional ion crystals.

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Für seine wissenschaftlichen Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der Quantenphysik erhielt der Experimentalphysiker Rainer Blatt am Freitag in Madrid ein Ehrendoktorat der Universität Complutense Madrid. Bereits am Mittwoch wurde Blatt als ausländisches Mitglied in die Spanische Akademie der Wissenschaften aufgenommen.

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Researchers at the University of Innsbruck and the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), Waterloo, Canada have demonstrated a new method to benchmark different quantum computer platforms.

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Tracy Northup and her team have now their own group page. News about their research in interfaces between light and matter can be found at https://www.uibk.ac.at/exphys/quantum-interfaces/

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For the first time, the PhiNet team has sent a light particle entangled with matter over 50 km of optical fiber. This paves the way for the practical use of quantum networks and sets a milestone for a future quantum internet.

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